I hope you had a great weekend and had time to quilt.
The last 3 quilts I quilted are all so cheerful. This batik quilt was pieced by Ardy which I quilted with the "Meandering Daisies".

This is the center of the quilt.

Batik border.

Pink backing.

This is another one of Ardy's. It is a sampler quilt with teal, blue, and heart fabric(the lighter colored fabric). So I quilted it with "Hearts A Flutter" to tie that fabric in.

Vibrant striped backing.
Christy made this striking quilt out of her very last blue and white scraps. The quilting pattern was "Flower Swirls".

Close up of pieced border.

Scrappy blue and white blocks. I've always thought that blue and white color combos are so classically beautiful.

Blue flower backing.

Lake Jackson, TX just keeps getting hotter. But what's worse is the humidity! Our little Max can still barely stand a potty break outside. Some more news on Max: the vet recomended some special formula weight management food that he's now on.

Happy Quilting
Until Next Time,